Italian sweets makers listed on this website all follow a strict "Code of Practice," which defines the types of ingredients, production process, and labeling prerequisites they may use. This is a part of a program spearheaded by the Italian Confectioners Association, whose aim is to preserve, safeguard, and promote centuries-old Italian cookie and cake recipes.
Especially protected products are amaretti, colomba, pandoro, panettone, and savoiardi. The Italian government has classified these particular confections with Denominazione Riservata status. In essence, what that means is that for a company to call a product by the names "amaretti, "colomba, "pandoro, "panettone, or "savoiardi," they must be made according to a very strict set of criteria. Specific rules dictate every facet of their production including baking methods and the quality and quantity of key ingredients used.
Special thanks to l'Associazione Industrie Dolciarie Italiane.